
보유기술 검색

사용자 인식 장치 및 그에 의한 사용자 인식 방법

사용자 인식 장치 및 그에 의한 사용자 인식 방법 상세정보
대표분류 기타 구분 소액무상특허
기술테마 기타
연구기관 한국과학기술연구원 연구자 김래현
기술내용 이전대상 특허번호: 8326457(미국)
이전유형: 양도
이전비용 : 1천만원
비고: 부가세별도

An apparatus for identifying a user in a service robot for domestic use is provided, the apparatus comprising a feature vector classifying unit for classifying feature vectors converted from a user voice signal for statistics into a feature vector not causing a user identification error and a feature vector causing the user identification error to thereby set user modes corresponding to the respective feature vectors for each user, and an identifying unit for identifying the user by utilizing the classification result of the feature vector classifying unit as data for the user identification. Accordingly, time restriction caused when the service robot for domestic use identifies who a user is can be overcome, and, the degradation of the user identification due to the lack of absolutely needed data amount when the user is identified only by the user's short voice can be solved.
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