
보유기술 검색

인터액티브 프레젠테이션 시스템

인터액티브 프레젠테이션 시스템 상세정보
대표분류 데이터처리 구분 소액무상특허
기술테마 데이터처리
연구기관 한국과학기술연구원 연구자 안상철
기술내용 이전대상 특허번호: 7468742(미국)
이전유형: 양도
이전비용 : 1천만원
비고: 부가세별도

The present invention discloses an interactive presentation system which allows a presenter to perform a presentation while having various interactions directly with presentation material images in real time through a gesture or/and voice. The interactive presentation system comprises: an active infrared camera; a command recognition system connected to the active infrared camera; and an image synthesis system connected to the active infrared camera and the command recognition system. The presentation system may further comprises a stereo camera set for properly synthesizing a presenter in a 3D image and a 3D motion system. By this configuration, it is possible to embody an interactive presentation system in which a command through a presenter's gesture or voice is processed in real time and the image of the presenter is synthesized in a presentation material screen in real time, and accordingly the audiovisual effect is maximized.
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