
보유기술 검색

Power Line Channel-Adaptive Communications System and Method

Power Line Channel-Adaptive Communications System and Method 상세정보
대표분류 정보통신 구분 소액무상특허
기술테마 정보통신
연구기관 한국전기연구원 연구자 Sung Soo Choi
기술내용 이전대상 특허번호: 8526483(미국)
이전유형: 양도
이전비용 : 1,100만원(부가세 포함)
비고: 미납연차료는 양수인 부담

Disclosed herein is a power line channel-adaptive communications system and method. The power line channel-adaptive communications system includes a transmitting end, a channel-adaptive controller, and a receiving end. The transmitting end generates an adaptive chirp symbol signal of a preset type for transmission data according to a channel state of the power line, modulates the generated adaptive chirp symbol signal in any one of first and second transmission modes, and transmits the modulated adaptive chirp symbol signal via the power line channel. The channel-adaptive controller controls the type and transmission mode of the adaptive chirp symbol signal. The receiving end restores the transmission data by demodulating the adaptive chirp symbol signal, received via the power line channel, in any one of the first and second transmission modes according to the channel state of the power line.
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