
보유기술 검색

디지털 X―선 이미징을 위한 단층영상합성 시스템 및 그 제어 방법

디지털 X―선 이미징을 위한 단층영상합성 시스템 및 그 제어 방법 상세정보
대표분류 의약,의료,화장품 구분 소액무상특허
기술테마 의약,의료,화장품
연구기관 한국전기연구원 연구자 Sun Shin Jung
기술내용 이전대상 특허번호: 8345818(미국)
이전유형: 양도
이전비용 : 1,100만원(부가세 포함)
비고: 미납연차료는 양수인 부담

Disclosed herein are a tomosynthesis system for digital X-ray imaging and a method of controlling the tomosynthesis system. The tomosynthesis system includes an X-ray source, a detector, and a terminal. The X-ray source continuously moves during a scan period, and maintains a uniform X-ray focus in each capture section in which capture is performed by adjusting the direction of an emitted electron beam. The detector detects an image of X-rays having passed through an area of interest of an object in the capture section. The terminal controls the adjustment of the direction of the electron beam, creates a three-dimensional (3D) X-ray image by synthesizing detected X-ray images, and then displays the 3D X-ray image.
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